

Discussing Gender – It’s far from over

Anyone who follows the public debate around gender will quickly notice that it is a very complex issue that brings together many different angle. The problem is a global one. Our author believes that the discussion is far from resolved.

husband stitch

The Husband Stitch: A shocking reality

It sounds like a horror story from the Middle Ages, but in fact it’s a shocking reality of modern society. The myth surrounding the “husband stitch” (or “daddy stitch”) is not a myth at all.

female apology weibliche entschuldigung

The Female Apology: Girl, stop saying sorry!

In the office, at family events or with friends – women apologize endlessly. According to an article from the German newspaper, Süddeutschen Zeitung, approximately 75% of everyday apologies come from the mouths of women. But why is that? We offer an explanation.

Vor lust laut stoehenen the conditioned moan

The conditioned moan

Oooooh, the lustful moan – introduced by Hollywood, commercialized by pornography and adopted by women all over the world. Some people might find it sexy, but moaning is actually just practice.

sex and the city hashtag Wokecharlotte

Hashtag #WokeCharlotte: a contemporary “Sex and the City”

Sex and the City is a cult TV series and for a good reason. The 1990s HBO series was influential and set trends. Never before had women on television spoken so openly about their sexuality. Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha lived an emancipated lifestyle and in many cases were an inspiration to real women.